August 2015

Sumba in Faroe Islands I @SatuVW I Destination Unknown

Suðuroy and the Art of Understanding Timetables in the Faroe Islands

by Satu Vänskä-Westgarth August 31, 2015

I was smug. The plan was going as smooth as, and we were about to reach the southernmost island from the westernmost island in a day, with plenty of time for food shopping in Tórshavn, the capital, in between. We even had time to pick up take-away sushi, and we were […]

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Sunset on Mykines, Faroe Islands I @SatuVW I Destination Unknown

Far in the Faroe Islands: Shaky & Stunning Start in the Land of Maybe

by Satu Vänskä-Westgarth August 27, 2015

The crowd was clapping. First tentatively, with only couple of the passengers initiating their appreciation for the flight crew, with more and more people joining in as the relief washed over us. Moments before the plane had lost altitude as we approached the international and only airport, Vagar, in the […]

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Canoeing with kids I @SatuVW I Destination Unknown

The Oh So Faraway Adventures with the Family

by Satu Vänskä-Westgarth August 11, 2015

What started off as my personal “adventure a week” sanity project to get outdoors with the kids while not harbouring any regrets for maybe (read: surely) missing some bigger adventures, when at home alone with the two youngest of the family, has over the weeks and months become somewhat unconscious sentiment […]

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Kayaking in Italy I @Gene17Kayaking I Destination Unknown

Family travel: It’s overrated

by Satu Vänskä-Westgarth August 4, 2015

Couple of months ago Italy greeted me with sunshine and said a watery good-bye with heavy rains. It was a week of eating world’s best pizzas, in plural, in the tiny little village of Campertogno and washing those perfectly cheesy bits down with a glass of typical local, slightly sparkling wine. It […]

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